In setting lake-wide loading targets, a single solution to address both water quality problems may be difficult (or impractical) to achieve. Our analyses suggest that WB cyanobacteria and CB hypoxia endpoints need to be considered separately
(Stumpf et al., 2012 and Rucinski et al., 2014). The focus on spring load in controlling WB cyanobacteria blooms (e.g., Ohio EPA, 2013) is a logical focus for CB hypoxia because much of the load, particularly from non-point sources, enters the lake during that period Docetaxel chemical structure (Richards et al., 2010). While estimating reductions in nutrient loads necessary for attaining water quality goals is relatively straightforward, using fish metrics to estimate appropriate nutrient loads presents a greater challenge for various reasons. First, fish species (and ontogenetic stages) vary in their thermal responses and sensitivity to low oxygen conditions and direct responses to low oxygen will be species- and life stage-specific. Second, nutrient inputs and hypoxia do not only influence fish health directly; they also indirectly affect fish by altering the availability of quality habitat
(e.g., DO availability, prey availability, water clarity) for growth, survival, and reproduction. Further, individual- and population-level responses to nutrient-driven changes in habitat quality can be mediated by a variety of individual behaviors that we do not fully understand Dolutegravir chemical structure (e.g., horizontal and vertical movement) and
both intra-specific and inter-specific interactions that vary through both space and time (Eby and Crowder, 2002 and Rose et al., 2009). Third, the variety of individual, population, and community indices that could be used to quantify responses of fish to hypoxia (e.g., habitat suitability, spatial distributions, feeding patterns, growth, survival, reproductive success, and overall production of population biomass) will not respond uniformly to hypoxia. As such, hypoxia Progesterone targets based on expected fish responses would need to consider not only differential responses across species and ontogenetic stages, but also potentially different responses across population and community metrics. As described above, different modeling strategies allow for focusing on various pathways through which hypoxia may affect fish populations. Relatively straightforward approaches may include statistical relationships based on several years of monitoring of hypoxia and population metrics or quantifying the amount of suitable habitat for a specific species (e.g., Arend et al., 2011) while more dynamic models may emphasize how behavior and biological interactions may mediate species-specific responses. To illustrate how models can be used to identify nutrient loading targets based on fish responses, we applied Arend et al.’s (2011) model of growth rate potential based on outputs from Rucinski et al.’s (2014) one-dimensional (daily, 0.