The sum of the turbidity and pH values were taken and the average (±SD) are shown (n = 10).
*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01. Changes in hamster urinary proteins during leptospiral infection The hamster urine was collected daily from pre-infection to just SHP099 ic50 before death and the protein compositions were compared using SDS-PAGE. Until the sixth day post infection, urinary protein compositions were almost the same as that of pre-infection. Significant change was observed after 7 days of infection, particularly an increase in the density of approximately 66 kDa protein which is thought to be albumin (Figure 2A). Figure 2 SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting of hamster urine protein during Leptospira infection. (A) Compositions of hamster urinary proteins were compared according to infection periods. Hamster urine was collected and prepared for SDS-PAGE. The urine Ro-3306 ic50 of three hamsters was mixed for each infection period. The protein content of each sample was 5 μg. After separation with SDS-PAGE, the gel was stained by silver staining. (B) The anti-L. interrogans pAb recognized leptospiral proteins in infected-hamster urine by immunoblotting. These experiments were repeated three times, and the representative data are shown in this figure. For detecting leptospiral proteins in hamster urine, we performed immunoblotting
with rabbit polyclonal antibody against L. interrogans serovar Manilae. Three bands with sizes of 65, 52, and 30 kDa were detected in the post-infection urine (Figure 2B). Tucidinostat research buy These bands were already detected during the early phase of post-infection. During this phase, the hamster appeared healthy and no viable leptospires were recovered from the urine. 26 kDa protein was detected in urine before and during infection so this protein was not a result of infection. Comparative analysis of urinary protein composition before and after Leptospira infection by using two dimensional electrophoresis Tangeritin (2-DE)
and immunoblotting As shown in the results of SDS-PAGE (Figure 2A), the composition of urinary proteins was found to have changed drastically after the seventh day of infection. To compare these components in detail, the urinary proteins of pre-infection and seventh day of infection were analyzed by 2-DE (Figure 3). The 2-DE pattern of urinary proteins changed after Leptospira infection. It was found that the level of approximately 66 kDa protein in the urine significantly increased on the seventh day (Figure 3A and B). By immunoblotting using anti-L. interrogans pAb, the 60 kDa spots were detected (Figure 3D, arrow). However, spots with other sizes were not detected in hamster urine (Figure 3D). 2-DE analysis were also done for urine samples at 3–4 days infection however the protein pattern was found to be the same as pre-infection urine samples and further analysis by immunoblot was also unable to detect any protein spots (data not shown). Figure 3 2-DE analysis of normal and infected hamsters urine.