Method A questionnaire was sent to their parents A Principal Com

Method A questionnaire was sent to their parents. A Principal Component

Analysis was conducted for the attitudinal scale to determine parental attitudes. Main outcome measure An attitudinal scale including 21 items on five-point Likert scale was used to determine parental attitudes towards medicines. Results Five principal components with 18 statements explained parental attitudes: General attitude towards medicines, Attitude towards prescription medicines, Attitude towards OTC medicines, Attitude towards the risks of medicines, and Attitude towards long-term use of pain-killers. These components AZD0156 were internally consistent and explained 54.7% of the total variance. Of the respondents, 15% were cautious towards medicine use, 84% agreed that prescription medicines are safe and effective, whereas 49% thought so about OTC medicines. Of the Bafilomycin A1 price respondents, 69% were worried about the risks of medicines, especially parents

older than 46 years, with a low level of education, who used medicinal herbs themselves, and had a child with a long-term illness. Moreover, 46% of the respondents were worried about the long-term use of pain-killers. Conclusion This population based study showed that the parental attitudes toward prescription medicines and toward OTC medicines are different: many parents consider prescription medicines as safe and effective, less think so of OTC medicines. A considerable proportion of parents had worries about side effects and interactions. This stresses the need to address these topics in encounters with parents.”
“The human placental syncytiotrophoblast (hSTB) is a polarized epithelial structure, without paracellular routes, forming the main barrier for materno-fetal exchange. There is ample evidence suggesting the presence of potassium (K+) channels in the placental apical membrane; which could contribute to membrane potential and volume regulation. We have therefore examined the K+ currents of isolated apical membranes from human term placenta using electrophysiological methods: reconstitution of ion channels

from apical membranes into giant liposomes (single channel recordings, patch clamp method) or their functional transplantation into Xenopus laevis ICG-001 oocytes (total currents recording, voltage clamp method).\n\nSingle channel recording experiments show the presence of K+ channels in the hSTB microvillous membrane sensitive to Tetraethylammonium (TEA) and Barium (Ba+2). Patch current activity was diminished 50% and 70% by 20 mmol/L TEA and 5 mmol/L Ba+2 respectively. The more frequent conductance was approximately 73 pS, however several levels of current were detected suggesting the presence of more than one type of K+ channel. In addition, sodium (Na+) sensitivity was detected in the patch current thus, over 10 mmol/L Na+ reduced the seal current to 38%.

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