28 Thus, precise information on the annual incidence of suicide may be delayed by up to 2 years. Information collected at death registration is recorded on the Registration Online system by registrars. Most of the information is normally supplied by the informant (usually a close relative Carfilzomib side effects of the deceased), while the cause of death (COD) is usually obtained from the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD), completed by a medical practitioner when the
death is certified using ICD-10 coding, or the coroner if there is an inquest.19 Notably, a death is not officially registered within the Annual District Deaths Extract (ADDE) until the COD has been finalised, and thus the year of death and the year of registration may not concur. The primary data set used to construct SID-Cymru is the ADDE from the ONS. The ADDE is inclusive of Welsh residents who died outside of Wales, and holds information about COD derived from death certificates on all deaths in Wales. Definition of suicide for cases
The true number of suicides is difficult to determine because a coroner’s conclusion of suicide must be ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’, that is, that the death was intentionally self-inflicted and in some areas coroners have increasingly (since 2001) reported narrative conclusions rather than reporting it as suicide.29 30 Previously, when insufficient information was recorded by the coroner, ONS coders would record the death as an accident, which
inevitably led to some suicides being classified as accidents or misadventure. The ONS has recently issued guidance on this issue following a coding practice review.31 Current ONS practice includes deaths where intention is ‘undetermined whether accidentally or purposefully inflicted’; thus deaths where there may be no intention to take life, such as in relation to injury or poisoning, are included in suicide figures by ONS. Currently, there is no access to coroners’ narrative verdicts within Anacetrapib the SAIL Databank as a possible method for review of case inclusion. There is evidence to suggest that a high proportion of deaths from poisoning and hanging that receive accidental verdicts are found, when subjected to clinical review, to be suicides.32 Such possible deaths through suicide will be included in SID-Cymru as an opportunity for further separate and combined analysis; thus the additional ICD-10 codes relating to ‘accidental poisoning with prescribed drugs’ (X40–X41, X43–X49) and ‘accidental hanging’ (W75–W76) may be used along with ‘sequelae of external causes of morbidity and mortality’ (Y87, Y87.2, Y89, Y89.9).