65 In human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) and tumor-derived cell lines, release of TFPI from the cell surface correlated with enhanced TF-mediated coagulation. This effect was evident already 30 min following selleck chemicals HEPARANASE addition and prior to the induction of
TF52 or TFPI expression. Thus, heparanase enhances local coagulation activity by two independent mechanisms: induction of TF expression52 and TFPI dissociation from the cell surface. Both functions require secretion of heparanase, but not its enzymatic activity. The underlying mechanism is apparently release of TFPI due to its physical interaction with the secreted heparanase, as clearly evident by co-immunoprecipitation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical experiments,64 reflecting a functional interaction between heparanase and a membrane protein. Elevated levels of heparanase may be generated locally upon Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical degranulation of neutrophils, mast cells, and platelets,66 further facilitating blood coagulation at the site of platelet activation. The hemostatic function of heparanase, executed by inducing TF expression and releasing TFPI from the endothelial cell surface, provides a Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical mechanism by which heparanase contributes to tumor complication, in addition to its established proangiogenic and prometastatic activities.67,68 A MODEL FOR INTERACTION BETWEEN HEPARANASE, TF, AND TFPI Platelets and tumor cells have abundant amounts of heparanase.53
Activation of the coagulation system, including platelet
activation, occurs in malignant and angiogenic processes.69 Heparanase is directly involved in activation of the coagulation system Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical by enhancing factor Xa production in the presence of the TF/VIIa complex. Additionally, heparanase released from activated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical platelets and tumor cells induce up-regulation of TF in the cells. Heparanase-mediated release of TFPI from the cell surface, together with its induction of TF, renders the cell surface highly procoagulant. Heparanase may also form complexes with TFPI and circulate in the plasma, possibly binding to endothelial cells and other intravascular components, i.e. platelets and microparticles. These TCL aspects are depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1 A model of the interaction between heparanase (Hepa), TF, and TFPI. Pregnancy causes an acquired hypercoagulable state, and women with a prior tendency to thrombosis may present with clinical symptoms of placental vascular complications. Maternal thrombophilia can be associated with placental vascular events, although 30%–50% of vascular gestational pathologies cannot be accounted for by the currently available tests for thrombophilia.70 Thus, an understanding of the hemostasis in the placenta, especially the dominant factors that regulate the delicate hemostatic balance throughout pregnancy, is essential. Heparanase is abundant in the placenta and was originally cloned from placenta tissue.