Before human development, the Missouri River transported more than 298 million metric tons of sediment per year (Jacobson et al., 2009 and Heimann et al., 2011). Anthropogenic
impacts have reduced this transport to 55 million metric tons in the present day. It is estimated that reservoirs along the Missouri trap roughly 33 million metric tons of sediment each year (USACE, 2000). Human alterations and their impacts on the system’s ecology have been considerable. see more The development of the Missouri River basin has ultimately resulted in many endangered or threatened species of flora and fauna (Whitmore and Keenlyne, 1990 and National Research Council, 2002). The conservation organization, American Rivers, listed the Missouri River as North America’s fourth most endangered river in 2012 because of flow regulation and management practices (, accessed 2/5/2013). The study segment in Upper Missouri River extends 512 river km from the Garrison Dam in ND and the Oahe Dam in SD (Fig. 1). The free-flowing (but regulated) segment is approximately 129 river km (80 miles) long with over 81 additional river
kms of variability (50 miles) dependent on reservoir levels at Lake Oahe. At low reservoir levels the free-flowing segment of river ends near the SD border while at high levels the free-flowing segment of the river may end near Bismarck, ND. Two primary tributaries contribute to the free-flowing segment: the
Knife River enters the Missouri River near Stanton, ND and the Heart River joins the Missouri Proteasome inhibitor immediately downstream of Mandan, ND. The river segment is used for recreation, irrigation, flood control, water Sclareol supply, fisheries, and habitat for threatened and endangered species including the Least Tern (Sternula antillarum), Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus), and Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus). The Least Tern and Piping Plover utilize sand bars for breeding season habitat, which has resulted in extensive efforts to characterize the patterns and trends of these features in addition to habitat management by plant removal and sand replenishment efforts. Construction of the Garrison Dam began in 1946, and was completed in 1953. Releases for the production of hydroelectricity began in 1956. The Oahe Dam was completed in 1959. The impact on hydrology of the Garrison Dam is typical of large dams: reduction in peak discharges and increases in baseflow (Fig. 2). The river discharge varies several m3/s daily due to demand for power generation and seasonally to accommodate technical, environmental, and navigational needs. Mean annual peakflow prior to dam construction was 3398 m3/s. The peak of record occurred immediately before dam completion in 1953 with a peak discharge of 10,279 m3/s (Fig. 2). Mean baseflow prior to dam construction (1928–1953) was 121 m3/s.