Specifically, we applied the model for adult and juvenile yellow

Specifically, we applied the model for adult and juvenile yellow perch (i.e., a cool water species, relatively tolerant of low oxygen concentrations) and rainbow smelt (a cold water species, sensitive to low oxygen), as well as adult emerald shiner and round Goby (Fig. 10). For each species and climatic scenario, habitat quality (e.g., the percent of modeled habitat with positive growth potential) declined with increasing annual buy Depsipeptide TP loads, with the sharpest reductions in habitat quality occurring after TP levels exceeded ~ 5000 MT/year. This modeling exercise clearly illustrates the potential for reductions

in nutrient-driven hypoxia to positively influence habitat quality for Lake Erie fishes, especially adult rainbow smelt and round gobies (Fig. 10). Moreover, the greatest increases in fish habitat quality would

occur at roughly the same load reduction described above for the potential Crenolanib ic50 hypoxia goal (4000–5000 MT/year). If reducing hypoxic area to 2000 km2 were desired, the above analyses indicate a load reduction of 3689 MT/year from the WB and CB loads (Table 2). A comparison of the potential reductions from point and non-point sources (Fig. 11), based on the current load breakdown described in Table 1, shows that with even the drastic measure of eliminating all point sources, substantial non-point source reductions would be necessary. Because of this and because increases in the frequency and magnitude of winter and spring storm events (Kling et al., 2003 and Kunkel et al., 1999) will draw additional attention to non-point Hydroxychloroquine order sources (Daloğlu et al., 2012), the following sections focus on the more difficult challenge of prioritizing actions for controlling non-point sources of nutrients. Phosphorus loads to Lake Erie

are not distributed equally across the basin. The WB received approximately 60% of the 2003–2011 average TP loads; whereas the CB and EB received about 30% and 10%, respectively. The WB received 68% of the 2005, 2007–2011 average DRP loads; whereas the CB and EB received 24% and 8%, respectively. The loads from individual tributaries within each basin also vary considerably for both TP and DRP, with the largest contributions coming from the Maumee, Detroit, Sandusky, and Cuyahoga rivers (Fig. 12). Thus, it is clear that loads to the WB are a very important determinant of the WB and CB eutrophication response. The sources and fates of watershed TP also vary considerably. As described previously, Han et al. (2012) quantified the net anthropogenic TP inputs for 18 U.S. watersheds from fertilizers, atmosphere, detergents, and the net exchange in food and feed. TP budgets were also constructed for the soil and water compartment of each watershed, and those are especially helpful for comparing inputs. Here, we re-categorize inputs and outputs as TP from fertilizers, animal manure, atmosphere, human loading, and net crop export (Fig. 13). While TP inputs to the Lake St.

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