All five of the sections from patients with HBV-ALF were characterized by central perivenulitis typically with lymphoid aggregates. In contrast, seven of nine specimens with APAP-ALF and selleck inhibitor both of those from HAV-ALF were deemed not compatible with AI-ALF. Sections from two other patients with APAP-ALF showed plasma cell-predominant inflammation and central perivenulitis, three had MHN4, and one had lymphoid aggregates (data not shown). The identification of a potentially reversible etiology of ALF, such as AI-ALF, is a primary goal in management.
However, the absence of a formal classification system based upon morphology remains a major obstacle. A broad range of terms has been used to describe the MHN of ALF, including “map-like”,18 MK-2206 supplier “zonal,” or “panlobular”,19 changes interpreted as nonspecific. Therefore, this study focused on characterizing specific patterns of MHN as well as other specific histological features which favor an autoimmune pathogenesis. In contrast to classical AIH, there are no consensus guidelines to distinguish AI-ALF from other etiologies of ALF. Moreover, adequate numbers of patients with ALF and liver histology are not available to prospectively test our observations, even within a large research consortium devoted to the study of ALF. Consequently, we analyzed our observations in terms of their ability to identify a classical autoimmune phenotype
assuming the phenotype for patients with AIH is similar to patients with AI-ALF. We found that the four histological features proposed to represent AI-ALF are common in patients with ALF of indeterminate etiology, and that the features usually occur concurrently in the same liver specimen (Table 2). Although certain
histological features of selleck compound autoimmunity are associated with clinical features suggestive of AIH (Table 3), an overall histological impression of AI-ALF is associated with a decidedly autoimmune phenotype (subacute clinical course, higher globulins, higher prevalence of autoantibodies; Table 4). Furthermore, the addition of ANA and/or ASMA to a histological diagnosis of probable AI-ALF appears to strengthen this autoimmune phenotype to include a predominantly female population with a higher incidence of hepatitis in long-term follow-up (Table 4). The SDC for AIH, which identified 24% of patients with nonacetaminophen ALF as having possible or probable AIH in a recent study,20 did not appear to improve the identification of patients with an autoimmune phenotype over concordance for final histological diagnosis of AI-ALF and the presence of ANA and/or ASMA. Classical histological features of nonfulminant AIH include a portal tract–based necroinflammatory process with interface hepatitis, often with lobular (zone 2 and 3) involvement1, 21, 22; centrilobular predominance is distinctly unusual.