Also, in Turbinaria mesenterina, convoluted forms (good for sediment rejection) became explanate (bad for sediment rejection) in low light and explanate forms became convoluted in high light conditions ( Willis, 1985). selleck chemicals The same problem also occurs at finer scales. Smaller corallites with fewer septa are likely related to decreased light in Montastraea cavernosa and some other faviids ( Wijsman-Best, 1974 and Beltran-Torres and Carricart-Ganivet, 1993) but the opposite traits are beneficial for sediment removal ( Marshall and Orr, 1931, Hubbard and Pocock,
1972, Stafford-Smith and Ormond, 1992 and Hodgson, 1993). All coral species are arranged along a gradient of relative tolerance to stress from sediment. Each coral species, therefore, has its own set of threshold values representing the concentrations of sediment which produce sublethal or lethal effects. After a certain maximum concentration, reduction of growth occurs due to smothering, reduced light levels and reduced zooxanthella photosynthesis. Ultimately, when sustained over a longer period, such concentrations can cause mortality. There is a clear relationship between substratum cover by live corals and water transparency (KPAR), which determines the compensation
depth of corals ( Yentsch et al., 2002). Values for the minimum light requirements of corals reported in the literature range from <1% to as much as 60% of surface irradiance (SI) ( Table 3). Kleypas et al. (1999) suggested minimum light requirements to allow reef formation (40% SI) to differ Volasertib concentration from Thymidylate synthase the minimum light requirements to allow survival of individual corals (10% SI). The sensitivity to reduced light is—at least in part—dependent on the growth form of corals, with branching species generally
thriving only under at least 60% average SI, while most plocoid and meandroid massive species require only 20% average SI, and several platy corals can survive with as little as 0.15% ( Jaap and Hallock, 1990). Typically, the reduced availability of light caused by increased turbidity is experienced more strongly by corals growing in deeper areas of a reef than by corals growing in shallower areas. Turbidity effects on corals depend on the grain size of the suspended sediment, with fine particles contributing most to light reduction while coarser particles may cause scouring and abrasion of coral tissue ( PIANC, 2010). Despite an impressive body of literature (see review by Hubbard, 1986), little quantitative information exists on the specific responses of reef organisms to suspended-sediment loading. There is a highly significant inverse relationship between coral growth rates and suspended-sediment yields (Miller and Cruise, 1995).