Animals fully recovered within 6-8 weeks and gene-corrected hepatocytes were reisolated after 100 days. Successful repopulation of recipient
livers was documented by flow cytometry (eGFP) and by Fah-immunohistochemistry. Subcohorts from serially transplanted mice independent from NTBC treatment were observed for their full life span and sacrificed close to the timepoint of death. Mice that died from insufficient repopulation within the first 50 days after cell transplantation were excluded from survival analysis. Liver, spleen, lungs, heart, kidneys, pancreas, brain, and intestine from the observation cohorts of mice were analyzed macroscopically for the presence of abnormalities. Normal liver and tumor-like structures
were separated using a scalpel. An aliquot of each liver tissue sample was immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen GDC-0449 for the extraction of DNA. The rest of the organ was fixed with 4% formalin, embedded in paraffin, and cut into 5-μm thick slices for histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Vector copy numbers (VCN) were determined as described.6 A primer/probe combination specific for the wPRE element of the vector was measured and normalized to an intronic, genomic sequence of the Ptbp2 gene. Due to the different ploidies of hepatocytes, VCN is given as copies Belnacasan mouse per haploid genome. All samples were analyzed in triplicate on a Roche Light Cycler 480 (LC480) system. For all samples analyzed by locus-specific qPCR we used a common Bumetanide forward primer (lv-LTRIII: 5′-AGTAGTGTGTGCCCGTCTGT-3′) and probe (Q-probe: 5′-FAM-TCCCTCAGACCCTTTTAGTCA-TAMRA-3′) specific for the residual part of the self-inactivating (SIN) – long terminal repeat (LTR) region of the vector. The reverse primers were designed according to output of the 454-sequencing run, so that the amplicon size was between 100-160 bp. (See primer information in the Supporting Material and Methods.) The survival analysis was
performed using Kaplan-Meyer curves and a Mantel-Cox test to calculate P values. The capture-recapture analysis used the Lincoln-Peterson estimation. Statistical significance was assumed for P < 0.05. First, we analyzed lentiviral integration patterns in cultured murine hepatocytes. We depleted collagenase digested liver cells (n = 3) from CD45+ hematopoietic and CD31+ endothelial cells (Fig. 1A) and transduced the remaining cells (>98% hepatocytes) with the LV RRL.PPT.SFFV.eGFP.pre* vector (Fig. 1B-D) at an MOI of 10. After 6 days genomic DNA was isolated. Sequences flanking the lentiviral insertion sites were amplified by LM-PCR for further analysis by 454 high-throughput sequencing. The median distance of lentiviral insertions (2,775) in hepatocytes was 6.4 (± .4) kb downstream to the next transcription start site (TSS) (Fig. 1E) and thus similar to previously analyzed hematopoietic cells (8.0 (±3.0 kb)33 (Fig. 1E).