Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: A table listing the overall microbial community diversity detected by GeoChip under ambient CO 2 (aCO 2 ) and elevated CO 2 (eCO 2 ). (DOCX 14 KB) Additional file 2: A figure about the normalized signal intensities of rbcL gene detected. (DOC 94 KB) Additional file 3: A figure about the normalized
signal intensities Epigenetics inhibitor of CODH gene detected. (DOC 49 KB) Additional file 4: A figure about the significantly changed and other top ten abundant pcc genes. (DOC 52 KB) Additional file 5: The supplemental results about the responses of carbon and nitrogen cycling genes to eCO 2 . (DOCX 32 KB) Additional file 6: A figure about the normalized signal intensities of glucoamylase encoding gene detected. (DOC 44 KB) Additional file 7: A figure about the normalized signal intensities of pulA gene detected. (DOC 54 KB) Additional file 8: A figure about the normalized signal intensities of endoglucanase gene detected. (DOC 42 KB) Additional file 9: A figure about the normalized signal intensities of ara gene detected.
(DOC 56 KB) Additional file 10: A figure about the normalized signal intensities of vanA gene detected. (DOC 53 KB) Additional file 11: A figure CRT0066101 about the normalized signal intensities of shared nirS gene detected. (DOC 51 KB) Additional file 12: A table listing the nirS genes only detected at aCO 2 or eCO 2 . (DOC 64 KB) Additional file 13: The supplemental this website descriptions for materials and methods. (DOCX 29 KB) References 1. IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis: Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate. Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2007. 2. Houghton JT, Ding Y, Griggs DJ, Noguer M, Linden PJ, Xiaosu D: Climate Change
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