Extant literature is deficient in terms of a number of important factors such as gender, mode of transmission, access to quality healthcare and socioeconomic status [6,21]. The majority of earlier studies use self-reported scales intended to assess only symptoms and the severity of distress. This study used two validated
methods (BDI-II and HDS-17) supplemented by a structured clinical interview by a consultant Galunisertib in vivo psychiatrist. Therefore, the present study is likely to provide a more correct picture of the prevalence of major depression among HIV patients [20,21]. In the Danish HIV population, 10% were infected through substance abuse [16]. This study population is thus not representative of the entire population of HIV-positive patients in Denmark [16]. This might bias estimates towards a lower prevalence of depression because the prevalence of depression in the group of substance abusers is higher [2,3,6,22,23]. Because 50 HIV-positive patients with an ethnic background
other than Danish were excluded from this study, the prevalence of depression in this group may also be underestimated. The literature shows a high prevalence of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among immigrants [24–26]. The present study has some limitations. Information on diagnosed depression Panobinostat was obtained from the medical records of the 17 patients with BDI≥20. It appears that five of the 17 patients were already consulting a psychiatrist or a psychologist. Nine patients with a BDI<14 had been diagnosed with depression previously. A BDI score in a cross-sectional study will miss approximately 20–25% of the exact number of depressive patients, because BDI scores are less likely to identify previously depressed patients presently on medication and patients with periodic symptoms of depression [5]. The questionnaire was in Danish, limiting participation to HIV-positive patients literate in Danish. There was lack of information on both incomplete
responders and non-responders. Therefore, we may have missed HIV-positive immigrants who are at high risk of depression. This may have caused the number of non-responses to rise. Because most patients are diagnosed with depression at much their general practitioner and this information is not necessarily passed on to staff at the out-patient clinic, there may be a lack of information regarding a higher prevalence of patients at risk of depression. Our cross-sectional study does not analyse causal relations but does offer important information about predictors associated with developing depression. Feelings such as blame, shame, anxiety, concerns, stress, loneliness, stigma, living a double life and constant thoughts about HIV were associated with higher risk of depressive symptoms, in accordance with the existing literature [3,13,27].