In our slices treatment with EtOH did not result in enhanced cyto

In our slices treatment with EtOH did not result in enhanced cytokine production. It seems likely that this treatment was not strong enough to induce an inflammatory cascade in the nbM. Indeed, EtOH-induced inflammation in humans has been shown after chronic alcoholism and is not

a short time effect. In addition, cytokines found in the brains of individuals after heavy EtOH consume are originally produced by the liver cells (Crews and Nixon, 2009). Thus, any lack of direct EtOH on inflammation is in line with such a peripheral inflammatory process. In hippocampal–entorhinal brain slice cultures EtOH induced inflammatory gene expression (Zou and Crews, 2010), suggesting that this region may be more sensitive to EtOH-induced cytokine upregulation than the nbM. Further studies are necessary to investigate if the lack of inflammation in our slice model is area-related or a methodological limitation. Taken together, our data show that EtOH-induced a decline of cholinergic neurons in vitro, which was partly counteracted by NGF. Inhibition of MAPK p38 and NOS ameliorated the EtOH effect suggesting a role in the underlying mechanism of EtOH-mediated effects in vitro. In conclusion, the data may suggest that direct EtOH exposure to cholinergic nbM neurons may transiently

suppress the enzyme ChAT and may not induce cell SRT1720 death of cholinergic neurons, but rather may reflect a form of neuronal plasticity in response to EtOH. Cholinergic neurons in organotypic brain slices were cultured, as described in detail previously (Humpel and Weis, 2002 and Weis et al., 2001). Briefly, the basal nucleus of Meynert (nbM) of postnatal day 10 (P10) rats else was dissected under aseptic conditions. Further, 400 μm slices were cut with a tissue chopper (McIlwain, USA) and placed on 30 mm Millicell-CM 0.4 μm pore membrane culture plate inserts (6–8 slices per membrane). It needs to be pointed out that a single experiment included approximately

8–12 pups. In one dissection experiment 4 pups were dissected and all brain slices were randomly distributed on all 6-wells. An experiment was normally repeated 3 times on different groups, so that a single treatment contained at least slices from 9 different rat pups. Slices were cultured in 6-well plates at 37 °C and 5% CO2 with 1.2 ml/well of slice medium (50% MEM/HEPES (Gibco), 25% heat inactivated horse serum (Gibco/Lifetech, Austria), 25% Hanks’ solution (Gibco), 2 mM NaHCO3 (Merck, Austria), 6.5 mg/ml glucose (Merck), 2 mM glutamine (Merck), pH 7.2) including 10 ng/ml nerve growth factor (NGF) for 2 weeks. It is well established that the 400 μm brain slices become thinner during the 2 weeks of incubation resulting in a thickness of approx. 100 μm, which is a sign of healthy cultures. Slices, which did not flatten were immediately removed from the experiments.

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