In PD0332991 mw this work we investigated the role of the cell integrity pathway during Tariquidar glucose exhaustion in fission yeast. The results
suggest that a specific mechanism regulates MAPK function during this particular stress and unveil the existence of a new crosstalk mechanism whereby activated Pmk1 reinforces growth adaptation to alternative carbon sources by enhancing the activity of the SAPK pathway. Results Pmk1 activation in response to glucose deprivation We have previously described that glucose exhaustion is one of the multiple physiological insults which activate the Pmk1 MAPK signaling pathway in fission yeast [17]. As shown in Figure 1A, removal of glucose by shifting the cells from a rich medium to a similar medium containing glycerol induced a progressive and clear increase in Pmk1 phosphorylation in control cells, reaching its maximum around 90 min, and slowly decreasing thereafter. This alternative carbon source cannot be assimilated unless a minimal amount of glucose is present, and its initial concentration was selected to prevent differential osmotic changes. Virtually the same pattern
of activation was observed when the cells were switched to a growth medium employing both glycerol and ethanol as carbon sources (not shown). Interestingly, transfer of exponentially growing cells from rich glucose medium (7% w/v) to osmotically equilibrated medium with glucose concentrations of either 1% or 0.5% did not elicit a significant increase in Pmk1 phosphorylation
(Figure 1A), suggesting that full selleck chemicals Molecular motor activation of the MAPK cell integrity pathway in S. pombe only takes place after complete depletion of this carbon source. Figure 1 Activation of the Pmk1 pathway in response to glucose deprivation. A. Strain MI200 (Pmk1-Ha6H) was grown in YES medium plus 7% glucose to early-log phase and transferred to the same medium with 3% glycerol (upper panel), 2.5% glycerol plus 1% glucose (middle panel) or 2.8% glycerol plus 0.5% glucose (lower panel). Aliquots were harvested at timed intervals and Pmk1 was purified by affinity chromatography. Either activated or total Pmk1 were detected by immunoblotting with anti-phospho-p44/42 or anti-HA antibodies, respectively. B. Strain MI200 was grown in YES medium plus 7% glucose to early-log phase in the presence of 30 mM NAC and resuspended in the same medium with 3% glycerol. Both activated and total Pmk1 were detected as described above. In fission yeast glucose deprivation triggers a moderate endogenous oxidative stress which is followed by the induced expression of genes like gpx1 + (glutathione peroxidase) and ctt1 + (cytoplasmic catalase). These products play a critical role in the removal of intracellular hydrogen peroxide arising in the change from fermentative to respiratory metabolism [12].