It also supports the idea that therapeutic approach targeting AR

It also supports the idea that therapeutic approach targeting AR can enhance the efficacy of anticancer treatment in the patients with metastatic CRPC, resisting against all forms of treatment.Suppression of gene expression concerning using siRNA is a simplified experimental technique which can regulate functions of specific factors at the gene level. AR silencing in the gene level is essential in the study of AR block, because AR is a transcription factor related to synthesis, regulation, and secretion of various kinds of proteins. In our present study, AR silencing successfully showed over 80% efficiency. We also showed higher level of discrimination using real time RT-PCR which enables us to find more significant differences between cell groups.

It can be summarized that in this LNCaP model, we observed that c-FLIP, HSP27, clusterin, and GRP78 take part in the progression into androgen insensitive status and the existence and overexpression of AR are closely related in this process. We think that these findings can be applied in the understanding of CRPC progression and treatment resistance of metastatic CRPC. New therapeutic approaches targeting AR regulation could be an effective solution against metastatic CRPC, currently incurable, and therefore various scientific efforts should be focused.Conflict of InterestsNone of the contributing authors have any conflict of interests, including specific financial interests and relationships and affiliations relevant to the subject matter, materials, or methods discussed in the paper.

AcknowledgmentThis study was supported by grants from Eulji Medi-Bio Research Institute (EMBRI-2010-SN-02).
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