Lycopodium tablets (Batch 177745) were added to make calculations of pollen accumulation rates (PAR) possible. Each sample was first treated with water and HCL (10%) to dissolve the Lycopodium tablets, and then processed by BMN 673 solubility dmso acetolysis, mounted in glycerine and analyzed for pollen according to Moore et al. (1991). A minimum of 500 pollen grains were counted at each level, and spores and microscopic charcoal (longest axis > 25 μm) were
also recorded. The programs TILIA and TILIA GRAPH were used to construct the pollen diagram ( Grimm, 1991 and Grimm, 2004). Samples for radiocarbon dating were cut out at 25 and 40 cm, macroscopic parts from mosses and seeds were picked out and sent to the Ångström Laboratory in Uppsala for AMS 14C-dating. The dates were calibrated using CALIB Rev. 4.4 ( Reimer et al., 2004 and Stuiver and Reimer, 1993). Detailed archeological surveys were conducted in the Marrajegge–Marrajåkkå–Kartajauratj valley within a radius
of about 2 km from the soil sampling sites. More than 40 ancient remains were identified including hearths, cooking Selleckchem Torin 1 pits, storage pits and a pit fall system. Charcoal for 14C-analyses was collected by using an auger (diam. = 15 mm). Each sample submitted for radiocarbon dating consisted of one single piece of charcoal and thus no composite samples. All radiocarbon dates of archeological features are AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) dating. Radiocarbon dates showed that the valley attracted human settlers over a period of more than 6000 years. Storage- and cooking pits, dating between 6195 ± 75 Ketotifen and 2550 ± 80 14C years BP (5316–4956 to 824–413 cal. BC), verified the importance of the valley as a resource area to early hunter–gatherers. In more recent times, from 1600 AD
and onwards, reindeer herders have settled in the area on a seasonal basis. Hearths are located to the dry ridges, either singular or arranged in clusters of 5 and 6 hearths, respectively. The spatial arrangement of hearths in clusters, often in the form of linear rows, signifies the social organization of a Saami reindeer herding sijdda, i.e. a group of households living and working together ( Bergman et al., 2008). A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate mean separation of soil nutrient contents and charcoal contents between the spruce-Cladina and reference forest. Samples from within stands are treated as replicates (n = 8) when comparing forest types within a site and as subsamples (n = 3) when comparing forest types across sites with 8 subsamples for each stand. All data were subjected to tests of normality and independence. The non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test was used in instances where the data did not conform to the assumptions of parametric statistics. All data were analyzed using SPSS 10.0 ( SPSS, 1999). The basal area in the spruce-Cladina forest (6 m2 ha−1 ± 1.