Noted that there is a mild loss in AChE activity in mild cognitive impairment and early AD. Furthermore, in patient with AD, there is a serious lack of choline and increase of phosphatidylcholine in neuronal cells, ultimately causing apoptosis through autocannibalism and an extensive degeneration of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain. Our results claim that luteolin treatment might induce neuronal differentiation and promote cholinergic activities in PC12 cells without cytotoxic Vortioxetine effect. A few studies have independently demonstrated that flavonoid induced neurogenic functions are governed by ERK1/2 and Akt signaling. However, Sagara et al. mentioned that such activities are highly controlled by ERK1/2 activation. In recent study, Lin et al. demonstrated that luteolin induced differentiation in PC12 cells is weakly dependent from PKC and clearly mediated by ERK1/2 signaling. The upregulation of Akt and activated ERK1/2 is known to be implicated in several cellular mechanisms as cell survival and cell differentiation. Mitogen activated protein kinase cascade, as well as its ability to get a handle on cell growth, is apparently a crucial regulator of memory consolidation, long term potentiation and behavior. PI3k/Akt pathways are expected for regeneration Skin infection and distal axon expansion and for migration and cholinergic vesicle trafficking. Herein, we provide evidence that luteolin therapy increased a activation of ERK1/2 and Akt. Priming PC12 cells with specific inhibitor of ERK1/2 upstream kinase MEK1/2, U0126 and specific inhibitor of Akt upstream kinase PI3k, LY294002 stopped luteolin induced effects in PC12 cell differentiation, and AChE activity after 48 h treatment. More over, we demonstrated that biochemical indices strongly correlated with the amount of cells and differentiated cells with neuritis induced by luteolin therapy. Today’s findings claim that luteolin mediated neurogenic activities in PC12 cells require at the least ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt signaling. It is known that NGF is Canagliflozin supplier essential for PC12 cell differentiation and caused cholinergic activities. In the present results, luteolin induced neuronal differentiation and cholinergic actions in PC12 cells were comparable to NGF. Nevertheless the length of signaling through Akt and ERK1/2 may possibly hold the key to the difference between NGF and luteolin treatment. In reality, substantial increase of luteolininduced ERK1/2 and Akt phosphorylation was observed after 15 min treatment, whereas, NGF stimulated activities are known to occur within the first 5 min. Our results correlate with recent studies of Lin et al. suggesting that luteolin mediated differentiation in PC12 cells is controlled by ERK1/2. More over, we demonstrated that PI3k/Akt is strongly involved in luteolin induced differentiation and cholinergic activities in PC12 cells.