Rucinski et al ‘s (2014) model was then used to develop response

Rucinski et al.’s (2014) model was then used to develop response curves for hypolimnetic DO concentration, hypoxic-days (number of days per year with hypolimnetic DO below 2 mg/l), hypolimnetic DO depletion rates, and hypoxic area as a function of loading of TP and DRP into the WB and CB (Fig. 9). The resulting response curves incorporate uncertainty associated with interannual variability in weather and resulting lake stratification from the 19 calibration selleck inhibitor years. The response curves for hypoxic area and hypoxic days are used here to explore implications for new loading targets, as

well as to discuss how such targets would compare to those aimed at reducing WB cyanobacteria blooms. While the actual extent of “acceptable hypoxia” needs to be set through public discourse and policy, one reasonable expectation is to return to hypoxic areas of the mid-1990s prior to the increases (~ 2000 km2), which coincided with the recovery of several recreational and commercial fishes in Lake Erie’s WB and CB (Ludsin et al., 2001). By inspection (Fig. 9a), the current US/Canadian TP loading target (IJC, 1978) of 11,000 MT (WB + CB equivalent is 9845 MT or 89.5% of total lake TP load) is not sufficient. In fact, if the desired outcome

is for average hypoxic area to not exceed 2000 km2 for roughly 10 days Duvelisib clinical trial per year, the WB + CB TP load would have to be approximately 4300 MT/year (4804 MT/year total lake load; Table 2). This is a 46% reduction

from the 2003–2011 average loads and 56% below the current target, or a reduction of 3689 MT/year (4122 MT/year from the total lake load). If this same hypoxic goal were used to set new targets for DRP loading (Fig. 9b), the WB + CB load would have to approach 550 MT/year (total equivalent load is 598 MT/year because WB + CB is 92% of the total DRP), which is roughly equivalent to values in the early 1990s. Because DRP load has increased so dramatically since that time, this represents a 78% reduction from the 2005–2011 average DRP Celecoxib load, or a reduction of 1962 MT/year (2133 MT/year from the total lake load). Importantly, these response curves indicate that a focus on DRP requires about half of the reduction of the TP target which is consistent with the higher bioavailability of DRP. Also noteworthy is the fact that recent recommendations to reduce the occurrence of WB cyanobacteria blooms may not be sufficient to also meet a CB hypoxia goal of 2000 km2. For example, the Ohio Lake Erie Phosphorus Task Force recommended that to keep blooms to acceptable levels, the March–June Maumee River TP loads (as a surrogate for all WB tributaries) should be less than 800 MT (Ohio EPA, 2013), which is a 31% reduction from the 2005–2011 average of 1160 MT (R.P. Richards, pers. comm.).

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