Several intense ZnO Bragg reflections were observed, which we ass

Several intense ZnO Bragg reflections were observed, which we assigned to the (100), (002),

(101), (102), and (110) planes. The XRD spectrum indicated multiple crystallographic orientations of the ZnO crystals, which is consistent with the randomly cross-linked ZnO morphology observed in the SEM micrograph. Moreover, several clear Bragg reflections of the ZGO phase exhibiting a rhombohedral crystal structure were present in the XRD spectrum (JCPDS No. 11-0687). The XRD spectrum showed well-crystalline ZGO crystals covering the cross-linked ZnO nanostructures. The thermal annealing condition in the current study successfully induced the outer Ge thin layer H 89 datasheet to solid-state react with inner ZnO crystallites to form ternary ZGO crystallites. Figure 1 SEM images of ZnO and ZnO-Ge nanostructures and SEM image and XRD Doramapimod manufacturer pattern of ZnO-ZGO heterostructures. (a) Low-magnification SEM image of the ZnO nanostructures. (b) High-magnification SEM image of the ZnO-Ge nanostructures. (c) High-magnification SEM image of the ZnO-ZGO heterostructures. (d) XRD pattern of the ZnO-ZGO heterostructures. Figure 2 presents the narrow-scan spectra of ZnO-ZGO for the elements Zn, Ge, and O. Figure 2a shows that the Zn 2p3/2 peak

was centered at approximately 1,022.4 eV. This value is consistent with the reported KPT330 binding energy for Zn2+ in the bulk zinc oxide [12]. Figure 2b shows that the main Ge 3d peak position was located at 33.1 eV. This binding energy corresponds to the Ge4+ coordination site on the GeO2 surface [19, 20]. Figure 2c illustrates an asymmetric O 1 s peak of the sample. The O 1 s peak

can be resolved into three components. The lower binding energy component arises from oxygen in the oxide. The middle binding energy component may represent oxygen ions in the oxygen-deficient regions within the oxide matrix. The formation of oxygen vacancy defects might be associated with a phase transformation of the sample during a high-temperature solid-state reaction. The highest binding energy (532.3 eV) indicates the presence of hydroxyl groups on the sample surfaces resulting from oxygen Phospholipase D1 vacancies on the surfaces of the sample with a high surface-to-volume ratio [6, 21]. Figure 2 XPS narrow-scan spectra from the ZGO crystallites. (a) XPS narrow-scan spectrum of Zn 2p3/2. (b) XPS narrow-scan spectrum of Ge 3d. (c) XPS narrow-scan spectrum of O 1 s. The PL spectrum for ZnO-ZGO was measured; moreover, the PL spectrum for ZnO-Ge was compared to understand the luminescence properties of ZnO-ZGO (Figure 3). A distinct UV light emission band was present at approximately 3.3 eV, which we ascribed to the near-band edge emission of ZnO [6, 22]. Moreover, a clear visible light emission band was present at approximately 2.5 eV for ZnO-Ge and ZnO-ZGO.

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