The integration of pharmacists into general practice was believed

The integration of pharmacists into general practice was believed to be hindered by limited funding and infrastructure and by AG-014699 research buy practitioner perceptions. Various facilitating factors were proposed that could help ensure viability of the role. Various roles and methods of integration were identified for pharmacists in general practice; however, a number of barriers and facilitators to integration would need to be considered to ensure viability of services.

Future research should explore different methods of collaboration and trial their implementation. General practice has been identified as the most suitable location for coordinating care of patients with complex and chronic conditions in the community.[1] Co-location of nurses and allied health professionals

in general practices is becoming more accepted. In countries such as the UK, the USA and Canada, pharmacists are increasingly becoming part of primary healthcare teams in family and general practices. Such arrangements have resulted in improved medication and health outcomes and Ivacaftor in vivo reduction in health-service use and costs.[2-4] Co-location has also been shown to enable greater communication and collaboration among health professionals, and to strengthen inter-professional relationships.[5] Elsewhere, however, pharmacists are often on the periphery of the primary healthcare team. Given that medication misadventure is a serious concern in general practice,[6, 7] pharmacists have Avelestat (AZD9668) the potential to be valuable members of the team. In Australia, the majority of pharmacists (85%) work in community pharmacies,[8] undertaking dispensing and other professional services. Community pharmacists generally do not have access to patients’ medical records and have minimal interaction with general practitioners (GPs). A small proportion of pharmacists in primary care (11.8%) work as consultant pharmacists,[9]

providing medication management services to patients either in their home or in government subsidised aged-care facilities on referral from GPs. These pharmacists usually work independently or are employed by a community pharmacy; co-location within general practices is rare. In recent years, reforms to Australian primary healthcare policy have recommended that GPs and other health professionals work in multidisciplinary teams to manage the health needs of an ageing population.[1] Collaborative medicines management services delivered by pharmacists and GPs have already been successful in identifying and resolving medication-related problems, improving patient outcomes, and optimising drug use and costs.[10, 11] Such services include Home Medicines Reviews (HMRs),[12] where an accredited consultant pharmacist, on referral from a patient’s GP, visits the patient at home, reviews their medicines management, and provides the GP with a report. The GP and patient then agree on a medicines management plan. However, these services are underused.

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