The National Preventative Health Strategy provides an extensive roadmap for preventive actions at all levels (NPHT 2009a) and Box 1 provides some examples of preventive actions physiotherapists could take. Given our knowledge and skill base and our respected status in society, physiotherapists can
be at the forefront of the renewed international prioritising of prevention. For your own health, for the health AZD9291 ic50 of your clients and students, and for the health of the human race, I urge you to prioritise prevention. Enhance your own health by maintaining healthy behaviours Model good health habits for family, friends, colleagues, and clients Give flowers or a dance music download voucher rather than alcohol Provide interesting non-al drinks at social gatherings Bring tasty salad/veggie dishes to social gatherings Meet friends for a walk-and-talk rather than cake and coffee Enhance your credibility when discussing with clients by modeling good habits Raise key health issues with clients, in addition
to dealing with their presenting complaint Add standard screening questions about lifestyle factors to your assessment Do some preparation so you are comfortable to raise key health issues with clients Put up prevention posters in clinic waiting room Run monthly themes in your practice highlighting BIBF 1120 cost a key modifiable health issue Provide a weight, height and BMI calculation station in clinic waiting room Provide pamphlets on resources for clients wishing to address Ketanserin a key health issue once raised Add links from your practice website to resources for clients
on preventive issues Include tips for 5 key health issues on specific handouts to clients such as exercise sheets Review course materials to link to key prevention actions were possible Encourage consideration of client’s general health and potential preventive actions by students and junior colleagues Create a ‘fruit club’ at work to encourage 2 fruits a day Walk for meetings of 2–3 people, stand for meetings with more people Advocate for safe active transport routes to school Support good food options at school shop Flash your car lights randomly to encourage safe driving speeds Promote mass media prevention campaigns through your social media network Offer advocacy in this area with local businesses Write to your local council member or community newspaper supporting initiatives like smoke-free public areas or better cycling and walking paths Write or, better still, go to see your local member to support preventive legislation such as speed cameras, cigarette plain packaging, tobacco tax, and food labeling “
“Depression disorders have become a widespread health concern throughout the world. The worldwide prevalence of depression has been estimated at 10.4% (Andrews et al 2000).