The other personnel costs are obtained by multiplying


The other personnel costs are obtained by multiplying

the estimated 20 euro per capita by the number of days that the operation will take, which is obtained from the node Time for mechanical/manual removal. This is the last of the factors considered in the Shoreline clean-up cost node. It is assumed that the boats selleck products will be operating as long as the mechanical removal is taking place. The manual removal may take considerably more time, as the removal method covers the more sensitive areas of the shore, and, at this stage the assistance of the oil-recovery boats is most likely unnecessary. In Table 7, the costs for each boat type are presented, as well as the share that each boat type has of the total boat fleet. The costs are based Dabrafenib ic50 on the discussion at the workshop. According to the experts’ panel an average boat cost is about 250 euro per hour, and there are approximately 50 oil-recovery boats located along the Finnish shore of the Gulf of Finland at any given time. Considering that all of these boats would be sent to collect oil and help to protect the coastline with booms, we arrive at a total hourly Boat cost of 12,500 euro. By using this cost and multiplying it by the time from the Time for mechanical removal, we

calculate the probability table for the Boat cost, which has 28 states in total, defined as intervals. This variable is dependent on the following variables: Air surveillance cost, Cost of emptying tanks, Combating cost, Preparation cost and Booms. This node is estimated by using the hourly cost of the Dornier surveillance aircraft: 7000 euro per hour. The aircraft will make its two-hour surveillance runs three times per day, which means that the total daily cost amounts to 42,000 euro. The number of days during which runs are completed is taken from the Time to collect the oil, since it is assumed that surveillance of the movements of the oil slick is required as long as the oil-combating vessels are operating. The probability

table is calculated with the following expression: equation(8) Air surveillance cost=42,000ifC824<1C824·42,000otherwisewhere C8 is Time Rho to collect oil (h). Eq(8) specifies that even if the oil-combating vessels have less than one day to recover the spilt oil, the air surveillance will still take place, as it must estimate the damage and make sure that the authorities are well-informed about the location and the trajectory of the oil slick. In this case the air surveillance cost will automatically be 42,000 euro. Otherwise, the daily air surveillance costs are multiplied with the number of days the operation takes. This node refers to the cost arising from the combating vessels emptying their full tanks during the operation so that they can return to the oil slick to continue the oil-combating operation.

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