These pulses lead to a superposition of excitonic states, an excitonic wavepacket, with the target to populate just a single chromophore at a given time. The theoretical framework is given by
the multi-exciton density matrix, and although the dissipation is damping the wavepacket Selleck STI571 at low temperatures, the target can be reached quite well. In a follow-up article, the additional effects of inhomogeneous broadening and orientational averaging were included (Brüggemann et al. 2006). Again, the target could be reached although to a lesser extend. The introduction of a laser field, shaped in both polarization directions, led to a larger target state population, partially working against selleck chemicals the energetic and oriental averaging. Under conditions encountered by the FMO complex in vivo it is very likely that multiple excitations occur within one complex. These double-excited states are more complicated than its single counterpart and are less well studied. Often 2D spectra are obscured by overlapping contributions of single and double exciton resonances. By looking at a smart representation of the 2D spectra using a particular set of pulses, the correlated dynamics of the double excited states can be probed (Abramavicius et al. 2008a). Strong peaks are observed for double exciton states 1, 7, and 18 that also happen to be the most delocalized states in the system. In addition, weaker signals
of exciton states 9, 16, and 17 are observed. Instead of calculating the wavefunctions of the different exciton states, an alternative method can be used to describe the behavior of
excitons in aggregates. In the quasiparticle approach, all the properties of the system are described in terms of scattering and double exciton energies are simply given by a sum of single exciton energies. Comparing the spectra resulting from the full calculation with that of the quasiparticle approach shows that the energies at which the peaks appear in the spectra agree, while the fine structure in the spectra of the quasiparticle Osimertinib approach is distorted. In order to approximate the spectra, the quasiparticle approach can be used, however, because the exciton coupling is strong, which is neglected in this approach, and the nonbosonic nature of the excitons a full calculation of the spectra is necessary for detailed analysis. New types of 2D techniques can be developed by introducing pulse polarizations as variables into standard 2D schemes, as described in the previous section. This, amongst others enables the dissection of the congested 2D spectra into incoherent and coherent contributions and provides interesting perspective for new control strategies (Abramavicius et al. 2008b; Voronine et al. 2008). Current consensus and future directions Slowly the choice of parameters used to simulate the results obtained from various optical techniques is converging.