We decided not to compare the findings obtained in our study sinc

We decided not to compare the findings obtained in our study since it resulted from a different experimental procedure. Russian authors [36] demonstrated that intensification of the training regimes in an Olympic judo team with the exercise of anaerobic

character leads to a significant development of special endurance, accompanied by a reduction in aerobic capacity. The judoists training, with fighting bouts of intermittent character, caused integration of anaerobic and aerobic capacity. According to Thomas et al. [10] “judo may be a unique sport in that not only must effort be required equally of upper and lower body, but the training process must require a fine integration between aerobic and anaerobic training.” Based on the Luminespib evaluation of 10058-F4 price energy consumption during performing the SJFT test, with its temporal structure and character of movements imitating a fight, the energy cost depends on utilization of the alactic and lactic anaerobic systems and the aerobic system. The alactic

energy system presented a higher contribution when compared with both aerobic and lactic energy systems, and the lactic energy system had a lower contribution compared to the aerobic system [37]. Therefore, it seems undisputable that training regimes should periodically incorporate an improvement in a variety of aspects of physical capacity in judoists. Conclusions The multifaceted judo training PF-01367338 molecular weight is conducive to the development of both FM and FMI. Use of supplementation of the diets with creatine malate does not cause an increase in body mass greater than in the control group. Shorter time to obtain peak power toPP is conducive to faster execution of rapid planned actions in attack or defense. Pre and post-training aerobic power did not change so it was not supplementation-dependent. Creatine malate did not affect the results in SJFT. There are many determinants of the judo fight results e.g. technical,

tactical, physiological and psychological factors, one of them could be supplementation but it can not be treated as a separate improving factor. The significant improvement in Total Throws in SJFT with the unchanged Index in SJFT suggests better neuromuscular adaptations IKBKE compared to those occurring in circulatory and respiratory systems. The results obtained during the SJFT test depend not only on energy resources but also on the exercises which improve the technique of performing typical grip-and-throw judo actions, despite the ensuing fatigue. References 1. Warchała A, Kucia K, Małecki A: Znaczenie kinazy kreatynowej w psychiatrii – prawda i mity. Wiadomości Lekarskie. LIX 2006,3(4):255–260. 2. Baird MF, Graham SM, Baker JS, Bickerstaff GF: Creatine-kinase-and exercise-related muscle damage implications for muscle performance and recovery. J Nut Met 2012, 1–13. http://​www.​hindawi.​com/​journals/​jnume/​2012/​960363/​ 3. Clark JF: Creatine and phosphocreatine: a review of their use in exercise and sport.

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