Ziehl-Neelsen staining was performed to confirm uptake of mycobacteria Selleckchem CB-839 by multi-nucleated cells (data not shown). The time course of Screening Library research buy Fusion of human blood monocytes is shown in Figure 4. In uninfected human blood monocytes, very few multi-nucleated cells were present only after four days (Figure 4A, B), while the infected cells and the positive controls
had fused already at day three (Figure 4D, G, K). At day four, clear differences were visible between the different experimental settings (Figure 4B, E, H, L). The uninfected control had formed only very few fused cells with only three nuclei (Figure 4B), while the infected cells had produced more fused macrophages with a much higher number of nuclei (Figure 4E, H). In Figure 4E [infection with BCG (pMV261)], for example, up to nine nuclei per cell are visible, and in Figure 4H [infection with BCG (pAS-MDP1)] up to 12 nuclei per cell can be counted.
At this time point the LPS/IFN-γ-stimulated blood monocytes had also formed fused cells, but additionally cell aggregates were formed, which were not visible in the other experimental settings (Figure 4L). Eleven days after infection cells had enlarged, and with the exception of the negative control the fusion process had proceeded. The fusion indexes of blood monocytes 11 days after infection are shown in Table Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor Adenosine 1. The BCG strain down-regulated with respect to MDP1 expression depicted a fusion index of 15.1% which was 1.7 times higher than the fusion index induced by BCG with the empty vector pMV261 (8.7%). Especially at early time points most of the nuclei were arranged in a circle at the outer rim of the monocytes and depicted the morphology typical of the Langhans cells present in tuberculous lesions [29]. Figure 4 Formation of multi-nucleated cells by human blood monocytes. Monocytes were isolated from human blood and infected with BCG (pMV261) (D, E, F) or BCG (pAS-MDP1) (G, H, I), respectively. Uninfected cells (A, B, C) served as negative control. Blood monocytes
activated with LPS and IFN-γ are shown in K, L, M. The cells were stained with Diff-Quick after three (A, D, G, K), four (B, E, H, L) and 11 (C, F, I, M) days. Micrographs were taken with a magnification of 200 ×. Arrows mark multi-nucleated cells. Table 1 Fusion index of different macrophages/monocytes after infection with BCG (pMV261) and BCG (pAS-MDP1) Cell type MOIa Days after infection Fusion index (FI) [%] Uninfected cells Infection with BCG (pMV261) Infection with BCG (pAS-MDP1) RAW264.7 50 5 3.0 5.3 27.2 MM6 50 3 2.3 2.3 7.4 Human blood monocytes 1 11 1.1 8.7 15.1 a MOI = multiplicity of infection (number of mycobacteria per number of monocytes/macrophages). The fusion process in the macrophage cell lines RAW264.