In particular, it has been shown both experimentally and theoretically that the gold-based MDN with dielectric volume fraction of g ≈ 0.5 supports SPP [6, 10]. Figure 2 presents the dependence of the real part of the effective dielectric function of MDN based on noble metals. By using the data for the complex dielectric function from Johnson and Christy [16], one can obtain that at ϵ d = 3.42 (flint glass) and g = 0.1, the SPP is allowed in Au-, Cu- and Ag-based MDNs; however, the second SPP band H 89 manufacturer occurs in the Ag-based MDN only. However, it is worth noting that even in the silver-based MDN, the
SPP band splitting vanishes at ϵ d < 2.25. Figure 2 Real part of the effective dielectric function for the Au-, Cu- and Ag-based MDNs. The real part of the effective dielectric function ϵ eff(ω) for the Au-, Cu- and Ag-based MDNs is calculated using Johnson and Christy [16] data and Selleckchem PLX3397 Equation 3 at ϵ d = 3.42 at g = 0.1. Figure 3a shows the plasmon polariton dispersion in silver-based MDN at g = 0.1 and ϵ d = 3.42 calculated using measured metal permittivity and plasma frequency [16]ω p = 1.39·1016s−1. One can observe from Figure 3a that at Re(k) > ω/c, there exist two SPP and two BPP bands. Figure 3 Dispersion curve DNA Damage inhibitor for silver-based MDN and map of electromagnetic modes. (a) The dispersion curve for silver-based MDN at ω p = 1.39·1016 s−1, g = 0.1 and ϵ d = 3.42 (blue line). The
light line ω=ck is also shown. GPCR & G Protein inhibitor (b) Map of the electromagnetic modes in the g-ω plane. SPP and BPP exist in gray and hatched areas, respectively. Figure 3b shows the map of collective excitations
in silver-based MDN on the ω-g plane at ϵ d = 3.42. One can observe that the shape and size of the gray area in which SPP is allowed is similar to that for Drude MDN (see Figure 1); however, the nonzero imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity of silver results in vanishing of the SPP bandgap at g < 0.03. Thus, only one surface plasmon polariton band exists at g < 0.03. Conclusions We demonstrate that SPP bandgap can exist not only in plasmonic crystals but also in MDN with low dielectric volume fraction, i.e., when dielectric nanoinclusions are distributed in a random fashion in metal host. In the MDN, the SPP bandgap arises due to strong coupling between SPP at the metal-dielectric interface and plasmons localized on dielectric nanoinclusions allowing one to tailor the plasmonic properties by changing the dielectric content. By using Maxwell-Garnett model, we calculated effective dielectric permittivity of the MDN using both Drude model and Johnson and Christy data for complex dielectric function of metal. We showed that dissipation caused by the scattering of conduction electrons in metal may result in vanishing plasmonic bandgap in noble metal-based MDN. However, at refractive index of dielectric inclusions n > 1.5, the plasmonic bandgap survives in Ag-based MDN offering high flexibility in the plasmonic system design.