Data was subjected to a two-tailed Student t test and a P value of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Student t Epacadostat mouse test with Welch correction was applied to serum bilirubin measurements due to unequal variance among experimental groups. HNF-6 is expressed within the liver and extrahepatic biliary system throughout embryonic development.22, 23 To investigate the consequence of HNF-6 deletion on BEC specification and IHBD development,
we limited genetic alterations to the liver. We accomplished this through the use of Albumin-Cre (Alb-Cre) recombinase transgene. Alb-Cre activity is detected within the BHPC population prior to differentiation into hepatocytes and BECs.11 Hepatoblast-specific inactivation of HNF-6 by Alb-Cre
was assessed by real-time RT-PCR of HNF-6 mRNA expression. With Alb-Cre–directed recombination, HNF-6 mRNA was decreased compared to control at embryonic day 16.5 (E16.5) and this reached significance in the postnatal period (Fig. 1A,B). To determine timing of HNF-6 protein loss directed by Alb-Cre recombination, immunostain analysis was performed at E16.5, E18.5, GPCR Compound Library cell line and P0. At E16.5, HNF-6 protein was seen in a similar pattern in both control and HNF-6 KO mice, limited to periportal BECs (Fig. 1C,D). At E18.5, HNF-6 protein expression was visible in nearly all BECs and hepatocytes in control mice (Fig. 1E). However, by E18.5, HNF-6 protein expression was limited in HNF-6 KO mice to a few isolated hepatocytes and a Glycogen branching enzyme few isolated BECs surrounding larger hilar portal veins (Fig. 1F, arrows). This pattern was consistent postnatally at P0 (Fig. 1G,H). These data indicate that Alb-Cre expression leads to inactivation of HNF-6 in both BHPC lineages by E18.5. The observed loss of HNF-6 protein in both hepatocytes and BECs is in agreement with previous ROSA26 reporter analysis, which has also demonstrated Alb-Cre directed recombination in cells contributing to both BHPC lineage derivatives.8, 11 Following this characterization, we then investigated the consequence of conditional loss of HNF-6 alone and in the setting of chronic cholestasis induced by the conditional loss of Notch signaling. To study
the effect of HNF-6 loss in a genetic model of chronic cholestasis, we used a described model of Notch signaling loss through Alb-Cre–mediated deletion of RBP-J.11, 24 Because RBP-J is the DNA-binding partner required by all four Notch receptors to effect canonical target gene expression, this approach circumvents possible functional redundancy through different receptors. Liver-specific inactivation of both HNF-6 and RBP-J (hereafter referred to as DKO) results in elevation of both total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase (Table 1) versus control, HNF-6 loss alone, and RBP-J loss alone (P < 0.01). The fraction of conjugated bilirubin was similar between DKO and control genotypes (DKO: 56.4% ± 12.8%; Control: 31.4% ± 13.4%, P = 0.22).