The cohesion and friction angle of the rock-soil aggregate under the saturated condition are generally less than the unsaturated condition, so in the reservoir impounding process, the safety factor of the rock-soil aggregate slope will decrease. The cohesion is more sensitive to water content Calcitriol mw than the friction angle. The cohesion is 54.3kPa when the water content is 9.1%, and the cohesion is 18.7kPa when water content is 18.4%. The decrease ratio is 65.6%. The friction angle is 30.2�� (tan 31.8�� = 0.582) when water content is 9.1%, and the friction angle is 28.4�� (tan 28.4�� = 0.541) when water content is 18.4%. The decrease ratio is 7.1%.
The relationship of cohesion, friction angle, and water content of rock-soil aggregate at the Gendakan slope can be described by a fitting equation as follows:y=a1+be?cx,(1)where y is the cohesion or friction angle of the rock-soil aggregate; x is the water content of the rock-soil aggregate; and a, b, and c are the fitting parameters for the equation. This equation does not really reflect the mechanical relationship of shear strength and water content. Only a fitting function is used to describe how mechanical characteristics varied with the water content of rock-soil aggregate at the Gendakan slope.The parameters for the fitting equation are as follows.Cohesion in Figure 12(a) is a = 17.131, b = ?3.516, and c = 0.179, and the correlation coefficient R2 is 0.917.Friction angle in Figure 12(b) is a = 28.942, b = ?58.972, and c = 0.733, and the correlation coefficient R2 is 0.996.
The stability of the rock-soil aggregate slope is mainly controlled by the bottom layer Entinostat of rock-soil aggregate, which has a contact surface with bedrock. The water content of the bottom layer of rock-soil aggregate is approximately 8%�C10%, so a water content of 9% is selected for natural rock-soil aggregate, and 13% is selected for the saturated rock-soil aggregate under heavy rainfall conditions or behind water level. Table 4 shows the cohesion and friction angle values of the rock-soil aggregate under natural and saturated conditions for the slope stability analysis. Equation (1) is used to compute the cohesion and friction angle.Table 4Cohesion and friction angle values of rock-soil aggregate under natural and saturated conditions for the slope stability analysis. As shown in Table 4, the cohesion and friction angle for natural rock-soil aggregates are 57.7kPa and 31.3��, respectively; the cohesion and friction angle for saturated rock-soil aggregates under heavy rainfall conditions are 26.1kPa and 29.1��, respectively.5.